We welcome the opportunity to bring Gamma Phi Omega International Sorority, Inc.,
to new universities or colleges where we currently do not have a presence. The process of expanding to and founding a prospective chapter on a campus requires the hard work of a dedicated core group of women.
There are a number of processes in place to establish a Gamma Phi Omega chapter. With the support of our membership, we will strive to combine our experience and guidance to build these foundations.
In addition to adhering to the standard requirements of prospective members, interested women must complete these initial steps to receive information on expansion opportunities and requirements:
Complete the expansion interest form (below) to receive more information from our Director of Expansion.
Contact your school’s Greek Life or Student Organizations Office to notify them of your desire to bring a new sorority to campus and obtain a copy of your institution’s expansion policy, student organization requirements, and other pertinent policies.
Thank you for your interest in bringing Gamma Phi Omega to your college/university campus. We will get back to you as soon as possible after you have submitted the form.
If you have any further questions or concerns you can reach out to our Director of Expansion at