Gamma Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. is committed to nurturing the ideals of sisterhood in an atmosphere of responsibility and respect. The Sorority is committed to uphold and promote the dignity and self-respect of women seeking membership. Hazing is anti-ethical to this organization and is prohibited by the rules of the Sorority. The Sorority unequivocally opposes hazing and those who seek to perpetuate it. No chapter, prospective chapter, club, student, or alumnae shall conduct, nor condone, hazing activities.
Hazing is defined as: Any action taken or situation created that involves or results in abusive, physical contact or mutual embarrassment of a prospective member; and that any such action is considered hazing, whether it occurs on or off Sorority premises, campus or place where chapters or prospective members meet; and results in excessive mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment or harassment; that such activities include, but are not limited to paddling, creation of excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shock, morally degrading or humiliating activities, late sessions that interfere with scholastic activities and any other activities inconsistent with fraternal law and regulations and policies of the affiliated education institution and federal, state or local law.
​The Sorority is committed to hold any person who engages in hazing individually and personally liable to the victim and to answer to the law and the Sorority’s Judicial Board. This includes the members of the Process Team as well as the Chapter as a whole. The Sorority will hold such persons liable for potential monetary damages, civil and criminal penalties and severe disciplinary action by the organization and the university, including immediate expulsion. Such illegal conduct is detrimental to the principles of the organization and fails to foster respect for fellow members or preserve human dignity.
The Sorority has officially abolished “pledging” as a process for membership and has revised membership development and the intake process. Associate Members shall no longer be called “pledges”. Associate members will be advised that hazing is not a requirement for membership. Members shall be required to immediately notify the National Board of Directors, the Vice President of Membership Services, Regional Director, Mentor, or a member of the Intake Process Evaluation Committee of any observed hazing incident or improper activity believed to be in violation of the policy against hazing, without fear of reprisal.